While we are gearing up for FOSDEM 2016 early next year in Brussels, I wanted to remind the Jenkins community about our Travel Grant Program. We’re a little late on mentioning it, but the board has allocated the money to help Jenkins contributors travel to Brussels to participate in FOSDEM and the Jenkins Contributor Summit which we will be hosting the day after, Feb 1st, which we’ll discuss more in a later blog post.
For the FOSDEM Travel Grant Program, we are able to cover up to $500 (USD) in expenses to help community members participate in FOSDEM.
If you’re interested, please read the description of the program below. Please note that some of the details of the program are different from the linked grant program page
Regardless we hope to see you all at FOSDEM on January 30th and 31st, 2016, in Brussels!
All community members are eligible for support unless they’ve received a travel grant within the last year (based on the event’s date). However, as we have very limited funds to support this program, we’ll prefer applications by active contributors to the Jenkins project.
If you have other possible funding sources, please look to them first. This will allow more people to attend a Jenkins community event.
The application process for FOSDEM, due to our poor timing, deviates from the traditional Travel Grant Program.
To apply for a travel grant, send an email with the following information to the Governance Board at jenkinsci-board@googlegroups.com
before January 6th.
Your name
The event you’d like to attend
The expected cost of travel (airfare, hotel, conference fees, etc.)
A description of your contributions to the Jenkins project, such as:
Plugins you developed
Pull requests you authored
Documentation you wrote
Public presentations on Jenkins-related topics
Why should we sponsor your trip?
Applicants Responsibilities
If you’ve been selected for a travel grant, we’ll expect you to:
Be available for a blog post about this program before the event.
Help out at the Jenkins stand at FOSDEM
If your schedule permits, we’d love to see you at the Jenkins 2.0 Contributor Summit the day after FOSDEM.
It should go without saying that we expect all Jenkins contributors representing the project at an event such as FOSDEM to act in a respectful and constructive manner. As we have not yet formally adopted our own Code of Conduct, we recommend reviewing the FOSDEM Code of Conduct.
After the trip, please submit a travel report to jenkinsci-dev@googlegroups.com
mailing list. This report should include the following:
What you accomplished at the event
What you learned at the event
Contacts you made
Other useful information
We also expect you to submit your receipts via email to the person mentioned in the travel grant confirmation for review. We will reimburse actually incurred costs up to the 500 USD limit.